How To Give Your Brand Personality

Bizzalley - The App that Helps Businesses Grow

Brand personality is a set of emotional (human) characteristics that you want customers to associate with your brand. Usually this personality mirrors that of your perfect customer since people tend to gravitate towards things that make them feel comfortable. There are three main components to building your brand personality.

First - Know Who You Are
You can’t build a brand identity and give it a specific personality until you understand what your business is all about. Behind your set of goods or services are some strong core values you want to personify through branding. If you are a personal trainer then your values might be health and nutrition related and your personality could be serious and competitive. On the flip side, if you offer custom off-beat children’s clothing then your core values might include the importance of family time and your personality could be quirky and upbeat. Take time to identify your core values, keeping in mind who your customers are.

Second - Create Branded Content That Showcases Your Personality
There are two powerful ways to reveal your brand’s personality to the world. The first is through emotional story telling. Your content should show who you are, what you do and why you do it. Focus also on your team’s stories and your customer’s stories. Curate photos and videos that your customers can relate to on a human level. They will now associate your brand or products with these feelings. The second way you can reveal your brand’s personality is through communication. The tone you use to speak with locals, other businesses and customers online should be consistent with your brand. The way you communicate can express motivation, kindness, playfulness or whatever it is that makes you unique.

Third - Be Consistent
Once you have identified your values and personality traits, and have created and curated content that is “on brand” for sharing via social media or your website, then you need to make sure that every member of your team knows and follows the same communication patterns. Find quotes, jokes, videos and articles to share with your followers that are in agreement with the values you hold dear. Your personality is strongest when it is consistent across the board.

You will notice brand personality really shine when you look at the fun social media accounts of some big businesses like fast food chains and retail stores who have really had fun lately poking fun of each other and making headlines when they react in a positive or supportive way to their followers. Have fun creating your brand personalty!

About Us:
Bizzalley is a dedicated mobile application for small businesses. It makes communicating with existing and new customers very easy. Businesses can download the free app from playstore or app store.

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