3 Ways To Attract Local Customers

1. Every
Business Needs To Be On Social Media
Even local businesses need to make their brand stand out on
social media. You will want to focus on reaching local customers through
hashtags, tagging business, engaging on community conversations and providing
good local content. Collaborate with local business and influencers to help you
find and engage with locals. You can post about local sports teams, city
events, support local schools and more. Your photos and videos should include
local content as well.
Facebook is great for local businesses because people can “check
in” which shows your business page to all of their friends. Through in-store
signage, encourage people to “check in” in exchange for a discount. People can
also leave reviews so make sure to strive for excellence with every customer.
You can use Facebook and Twitter to talk to the community, offer promotions and
hold contests.
2. Good Old Fashion Word Of Mouth
Consumers are starting to get leery of online marketing and promoted
posts. Research on buyer psychology still shows that people are more likely to
buy something that was recommended to them by a family member or friend. Focus
on providing a quality product and an unforgettable positive customer
experience in order to receive their praise.
Encourage people to refer business by offering referral
promotions and loyalty programs. You can use a business app like Bizzalley to
connect to customers and offer loyalty programs.
3. Networking and Volunteering
If you’re a local company, then GET local! Know your community
inside and out, volunteer and join local networking groups. Joining the local
Chamber of Commerce is a great way to meet other business owners you might be
able to collaborate with on future projects or cross-promote your goods or
services with them. Even in the digital age, face to face networking still gets
the job done. When people that live close to your business see that you are an
active and positive part of their community they will trust you. Remember,
customers buy goods and services from brands they know, like and trust.
About Us:
Bizzalley is a dedicated mobile application for small businesses. It makes communicating with existing and new customers very easy. Businesses can download the free app from playstore or app store.
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